My name is Klaira Strickland and I am a recent graduate student in English. While at graduate school I took a huge leap and started focusing on my health as well as my studies. I started my journey February 8th, 2016. I had another blog where I tracked my progress with another friend but with our busy lives, crazy work load, and a lot of technical issues we gave up on it. I fell off the workout wagon for a semester because I was extremely stressed out but got motivated again through a dear friend. Now, another friend is starting her journey and I want to keep up with mine and stay accountable.
I have always struggled with my weight since I was younger. I got to a point where I just thought I was "big boned" and that I would always be big so I did nothing about it. I let myself go for lack of a better phrase and just dealt with it. I got larger as I matured and let it happen. I wasn't physically active like a lot of my friend group and would sit out of activities. I worked a physically demanding job at Total Wine over 2 years ago where I was on my feet a lot and lifting heavy wine boxes and beer. My body rebelled against me and I got severe sciatica in my left hip that rendered me unable to stand for more than an hour at a time. I went through physical therapy for 8 weeks and "managed" my pain thinking I would forever be broken. The sitting around and depression did not help my weight problems and I just continued to get bigger as time went on.

Moving across the country changed me in many ways. I got inspired and wanted to change my appearance as well as who I was. For a class project, I started my other blog. Starting small I got a gym membership at Snap Fitness and began my journey where I could only walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes at a time. I worked my way up to running and walking a 5K at my school and doing virtual races online through YesFit and the Hogwarts Running Club. After my break, I wanted to do something different. Cardio had burned me out and it was so boring. Eliza, a fellow graduate student and friend wanted to lift weights like she used to so she could tone up. We talked about it and she went a few times with me to Snap before she got a membership of her own. We lifted weights for the next 14 weeks 2-3 times a week. It was wonderful and the push I needed to get back into my health and fitness. I couldn't have done it without her.
Now I have moved back home to figure out my life from here and I have to find my groove again. After 2 weeks of searching for a gym and waiting for one to get back to me, my mom and I decided to get a family plan with the Y. My family have all been trying to be more healthy and get into a good workout routine. We are growing a garden with fresh herbs and veggies as well as sticking to our family plan.
At school, I would talk with Kelly during our recover nights from all the craziness of teaching and grad school. Her and her fiance, Matt have supported me from the beginning and were always there to listen to my struggles. Kelly told me how she wanted to work up to a 5K and I agreed that wherever I was in the world, when she was ready, I would do it with her. After sharing and talking more with her fiance and her we decided to start this blog together to help share our struggles, our successes, and support one another any way we can. With everyone banning together and Kelly and I documenting our progress, I feel much more confident that I can get down to my goal weight. When I started back in February 2016 I was at my max weight of 257. I decided not to weigh myself and chart my progress with small measurements and changes. I have since weighed myself when I started weight lifting and after 8 weeks I was 217. My goal is to get to 180 and be more muscle than I am fat. I am about halfway there so here's to another part of my lifestyle and fitness journey with Kelly by my side!
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